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Template Customisation and Modifications

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 TopicRepliesCreatedLast reply
Custom Pages with Product Results16 years 8 weeks ago
by bat
6 years 8 weeks ago
by support
extra links to appear in the Top Bar menu37 years 4 weeks ago
by gahanpip
6 years 8 weeks ago
by gahanpip
menus36 years 9 weeks ago
by gahanpip
6 years 9 weeks ago
by support
api links via jump.php57 years 32 weeks ago
by philstone
6 years 16 weeks ago
by philstone
Cached Images Not Valid on Pinterest126 years 32 weeks ago
by Retro135
6 years 18 weeks ago
by support
SEO Tweaks - Page Titles & Meta Descriptions, H1 Tags & more46 years 23 weeks ago
by mlepisto
6 years 23 weeks ago
by mlepisto
Change category in categorie36 years 26 weeks ago
by marco.saiu
6 years 26 weeks ago
by support
Filter URL Not work.46 years 26 weeks ago
by marco.saiu
6 years 26 weeks ago
by marco.saiu
Noresults.php random products16 years 27 weeks ago
by zway
6 years 27 weeks ago
by support
Show time date stamp with price info1315 years 17 weeks ago
by alexhruby
6 years 27 weeks ago
by support
Multi-lingual Site68 years 40 weeks ago
by support
6 years 28 weeks ago
by support
Featured products mod16 years 28 weeks ago
by thelegacy
6 years 28 weeks ago
by support
Front End Product Filter not working26 years 30 weeks ago
by bat
6 years 30 weeks ago
by bat
Pagination Not Appearing16 years 31 weeks ago
by courier
6 years 31 weeks ago
by support
Redirect Old Pages to Mapped Product1512 years 38 weeks ago
by gregor
6 years 32 weeks ago
by smartprice24
Bootstrap 4 Conversion66 years 34 weeks ago
by sbedigital
6 years 34 weeks ago
by support
Search Results16 years 34 weeks ago
by zway
6 years 34 weeks ago
by support
Displaying Category in Breadcrumb16 years 34 weeks ago
by ChrisNBC
6 years 34 weeks ago
by support
Logo size16 years 37 weeks ago
by sydney880
6 years 36 weeks ago
by support
Displaying Extended Fields in Search.php26 years 38 weeks ago
by ChrisNBC
6 years 37 weeks ago
by ChrisNBC
Include css modal in price.php and fix loop36 years 38 weeks ago
by smartprice24
6 years 37 weeks ago
by support
Side Filter - Exact Matches Only66 years 38 weeks ago
by ChrisNBC
6 years 38 weeks ago
by ChrisNBC
To block or not to block /html/16 years 38 weeks ago
by IG
6 years 38 weeks ago
by support
Change currency for Amazon results16 years 38 weeks ago
by IG
6 years 38 weeks ago
by support
Category Hierarchy onhover16 years 38 weeks ago
by sirmanu
6 years 38 weeks ago
by support