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Template Customisation and Modifications

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 TopicRepliesCreatedLast reply
jQuery Exit Box210 years 47 weeks ago
by bastty
10 years 47 weeks ago
by bastty
Capital letters in URL411 years 11 weeks ago
by JasonG
10 years 48 weeks ago
by 2fer
Related posts widget110 years 48 weeks ago
by ccgale
10 years 48 weeks ago
by support
Exclude specific merchants from comparison. 410 years 48 weeks ago
by stonecold111
10 years 48 weeks ago
by stonecold111
Change merchant page layout110 years 48 weeks ago
by stonecold111
10 years 48 weeks ago
by support
one more custom field like category,brand and merchant110 years 48 weeks ago
by stonecold111
10 years 48 weeks ago
by support
Adding meta noindex to product pages110 years 49 weeks ago
by ccgale
10 years 49 weeks ago
by support
Inline Editor210 years 49 weeks ago
by stevewales20
10 years 49 weeks ago
by stevewales20
move "The" back to the beginning of the title and remove ","310 years 49 weeks ago
by stonecold111
10 years 49 weeks ago
by support
minimal search results and prices comparison table template files010 years 49 weeks ago
by support
Display "Sold by (number) merchants210 years 49 weeks ago
by stonecold111
10 years 49 weeks ago
by stonecold111
Filters Date810 years 49 weeks ago
by Greg
10 years 49 weeks ago
by Greg
Responsive WP layout110 years 49 weeks ago
by ccgale
10 years 49 weeks ago
by support