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Custom Pages with Product Results

Submitted by bat on Fri, 2018-06-01 20:29 in

Hi David,
I can't find the original topic but I wanted to know please for version 16/10A how would you go about creating a custom page with search results?
I have ones from my previous versions but they're not working.

Example of the code I have is:

  $_GET["q"] = "surround sound system";
  $header["title"] = "Surround Sound Systems for Sale | Electrical Shop";
  $header["meta"]["description"] = "Buy surround sound systems from a variety of manufacturers.";
  $customHTML = "Surround Sound Systems for your home. Etc, Etc. ";

but when I upload that to the server and visit it in the browser, I get "This site can’t be reached".

Thank you!

Submitted by support on Sat, 2018-06-02 07:04


What I would suggest would be to follow the instructions in this comment to create a new file called "searchcode.php".

Then, to make a custom page, based on example.php from the distribution, saved as surround-sound.php:

  $header["title"] = "Surround Sound Systems for Sale | Electrical Shop";
  $header["meta"]["description"] = "Buy surround sound systems from a variety of manufacturers.";
  $header["meta"]["keywords"] = "surround sound";
  $banner["breadcrumbs"] = array();
  $banner["breadcrumbs"][] = array("title"=>"Surround Sound","href"=>$config_baseHREF."surround-sound.php");
<div class='row'>
  <div class='small-12 columns'>
    <p>Surround Sound Systems for your home. Etc, Etc. </p>
  $_GET["q"] = "surround sound system";
