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Search query question

Submitted by getgood on Tue, 2006-05-09 12:31 in

Hi Dave,

I think I have seen a post about this on your forum sometime ago but couldn't find it again?

I think the full text means that a word has to be at least 4 or 5 letters to be searched?

I have a few products in one of my sites which are defined by 2 letters...because it's not searching 2 letter words they're getting pushed to the bottom of the list rather than being at the top... see example

Is there any way to allow for smaller words to be searched, in this case G2.



Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-05-09 18:48

Hi Adam,

By default, MySQL's full text index kicks in at 3 letter words, so unfortunately, in this situation the 2 letter word would be ignored. I don't recall offering a solution to this as the whole thing is a trade-off between the benefits of FULLTEXT, Vs. this limitation.

I'll have a think about alternative options, otherwise one solution might be to roll some code that splits the query and checks for the length of each word; and resorts back to the