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Product Index

Submitted by marcelo on Mon, 2006-05-01 08:53 in

Dear David,
the products would like to sort a question to categories we in general statement and into a sublist.
Example: Main category = hardware Sub category = printer

Is there a possibility my conception to put into practice?

Thank you for your support

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-05-01 09:06

Hello Marcelo,

There is no support for sub-categorys in Price Tapestry; and it would be a lot of programming to make it work.

Even then, very few affiliate data feeds have category information of sufficient quality to make it worth while; which is why I have never tried to provide sub-category support for Price Tapestry - it would leave too many people disappointed with the result.


Submitted by marcelo on Mon, 2006-05-01 09:28

Hello David!

thank you for your fast answer. Unfortunate these features nucht one supports, is however understandable with your remarks.

Then equal another question to the index:
Can I put on an index also manually and determine thus?


Submitted by getgood on Mon, 2006-05-08 17:48

The best way to create the second tier is to make the pages you have a page called hardware.html

from this you could have a link to your printer search or category page...or as I have done with a few of my sites, create another tier so you could have printer.html with links to search pages of different printers like - epson printers, canon printers, brother printers...etc

It's a bit of work to build pages like this but it provides a good way to help people browse your store.

You can see one of my 2nd tier pages from a site i've just built here - - If you click on Driver you will see what I mean...

Hope this helps


Submitted by marcelo on Mon, 2006-05-08 18:41

Hello Adam,
which is exactly which I would like. However I do not understand the solution beginning. Exactly do I have to do thereby it to what as functioned as with you?

Thank you!

Submitted by getgood on Tue, 2006-05-09 12:54

To do this you will need to make it manually...

So you would create a page called printers.html

write 'Epson Printer' and use the link 'http://yourdomain/search.php?q=Epson+Printer'

Then your printers page would have the links to your search page like Epson Printer

I use software called Webmerge where I can create an excel spreadsheet which would look like this.

Category / Subcategory
Printers / Epson Printer
Printers / Canon Printer

You can then run the spreadsheet through the software to make a page named by the Category with the links in the Subcategory listed automatically.

Webmerge is good for doing this as it saves the time of manually making every link but it's a bit awquard to use if you haven't used it before or don't know excel basics.

Hope this helps