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Errors During Import from using PUTTY

Submitted by ROYW1000 on Tue, 2006-05-09 22:13 in


Hi I am getting the following errors on import using putty. Any suggestions...

Maximum execution time of 30 seconds in tapestry.php on line 28

set_time_limit () cannot set time in safe mode error on import.php line 3



Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-05-10 08:29

Hi Roy,

You will need to disable "safe mode" just for your virtual host on which you are running Price Tapestry, as I have just seen in another post of yours that you do not want to disable safe mode for your entire server as you have other clients running PHP.

The entry that you need to add is:

php_admin_flag safe_mode Off

You may be able to add this in your .htaccess for your Price Tapestry website, but depending upon your global PHP configuration it may need to go in the Virtual Host section of your Apache config.

If you go into the /conf directory of your site (as created by Plesk); and view httpd.include, you will see from the notes at the top that you can add your own configuration parameters in a file called vhost.conf. You will need to create that file, and enter the command above, then restart Apache.

There's a good article about safe mode and the different way you can manage the configuration of it on your server here:

Hope this helps,