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Submitted by mycomp on Mon, 2006-03-06 23:50 in

Hi, this is a great script, it's so unusual to download something that works, and works well.

I have read a few forum comments and the instructions within the additional scripts page but I can't seem to get the import.php script working. From what I have read, I think somehow using,


will trigger the import/re-import of modified feeds, is that correct?

Submitted by searley on Tue, 2006-03-07 07:53

it is actually

import.php @MODIFIED

space before @modified

you can not call this direct via url, it is meant for calling via commandline via telnet or ssh, or via a cronjob

it is possible to have it called via url using scripts shown in other posts, but this is not really a recommendation, as there is issues with timeouts etc

using @modified will only import feeds that have been downloaded/modifed since your last import

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-03-07 09:42

If you're using Linux, the other point to note is that the script must be marked as executable as the executable flag may not have been preserved, particularly if the distrubtuion was unzipped on a Windows PC and uploaded to a Linux server. To do this, change directory into /scripts, and issue the command:

chmod +x import.php

The command may then be executed as follows:

./import.php @MODIFIED

However, it is also possible that the path to PHP on the first line of the script is wrong (this is how the server knows what to execute the file with). If the above does not work, you can also invoke the script by calling PHP directly as follows:

php import.php @MODIFIED

Hope this helps!