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Couple more for pro

Submitted by searley on Mon, 2006-02-20 09:38 in

1, Status bar hover status, would be nice to just add a little java to the outbount links that changes the text in the status bar to 'visit store' or similar rather than showing the link url

2, outbound link logging, might be nice to have some form ouf click tracking on the outbound links, always nice to see whats popular and what not!

Submitted by Eddie on Mon, 2006-02-20 09:56

Staus bar is easy:

add the following to the head of the products.php page:

//configure status message to show
var statusmsg=""

function hidestatus(){
return true

Add the following to the link:

onMouseover="return hidestatus()"

Submitted by Eddie on Mon, 2006-02-20 18:16

PRO Request:

Can we get a way of improving the search so that the result can be narrowed down!

e.g - "mp3players" >from> Advanced MP3 Players >under> £100 >from> Sony

or even a bit of SQL to provide set results


Click HERE for Sony mp3players under £100 from ADMP3!

Submitted by Eddie on Tue, 2006-03-07 10:55

Some good stuff at with regards to displaying results.

Also dont forget you were going to add in some meta tag rules as well!