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footer.php / cant see correct grids

Submitted by McCloud on Thu, 2020-05-28 10:41 in

Hello David,

i tried to make a footer, but it dont show the correct columns and i dont know why because i have changed the .css too.
Here the /html/footer.php code

{code saved}

and here the /html/default.css at the end i put in following code:

{code saved}

I dont know where i do a mistake. Maybe you can help me.

Thanks a lot, Peter

Submitted by support on Thu, 2020-05-28 12:40

Hi Peter,

It looks like the footer template example you are using is based on the Bootstrap responsive framework, but Price Tapestry (default template) uses the Foundation responsive framework.

They work in very similar ways so I think you will be able to convert it easily. The row container class is the same - "row", however if you do a search and replace in the code of the following that should be all you need to do to convert to Foundation:

col-sm-12 col-md-6

Replace with:

small-12 medium-6 columns

And then:

col-xs-6 col-md-3

Replace with:

small-6 medium-3 columns

(2 instances)

And finally:

col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12

Replace with:

small-12 medium-6

(2 instances)

In both frameworks, the number of columns must add up to 12, but higher resolution devices inherit, so small-6 on its own would be 6 columns in all resolutions.

Foundation has all sorts of widgets and features you can include in your template - check out the "Kitchen Sink" page here...

Hope this helps!
