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logos not appearing

Submitted by gahanpip on Tue, 2018-09-04 14:36 in

Hello David,
I can get the logos to appear in merchant atoz but not in the stockist list on the product page...
any ideas?


Submitted by support on Wed, 2018-09-05 07:45

Hi Philip,

It sounds like your template may be out of sync with the latest $config_logoExtension parameter. In html/merchants.php (for the Merchant A-Z where logos are working) you will have:

      if (file_exists("logos/".$product["merchant"].$config_logoExtension))
        $item["logo"] = $config_baseHREF."logos/".str_replace(" ","%20",$product["merchant"]).$config_logoExtension;

And correspondingly, using the $config_logoExtension parameter, in html/prices.php, there should be an IF condition to decide whether or not a logo is displayed which should be:

<?php if (file_exists("logos/".$product["merchant"].$config_logoExtension)): ?>

...and the src attribute of the img tag itself:

src='<?php print $config_baseHREF."logos/".str_replace(" ","%20",$product["merchant"]).$config_logoExtension?>'

Hope this helps!


Submitted by gahanpip on Sat, 2018-09-08 23:25

It seems that it's either eBay amazon logos or the manufacturer logos but both at the same time, is that right?

Submitted by support on Mon, 2018-09-10 08:15

Hi Philip,

Make sure that all your logos end with the $config_logoExtension value - which is ".img" (without the quotes) by default - if the Merchant A-Z was showing logos correctly with the latest distribution then it sounds like manufacturer logos are correct e.g.

/logos/Merchant 1.img
/logos/Merchant 2.img

...but it sounds like the API logos are still just the merchant name, so if you change these to be e.g.


...that should be all it is...


Submitted by gahanpip on Mon, 2018-09-10 21:48

got it
thank you