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product description and merchant layout

Submitted by paullas on Sun, 2016-01-17 17:56 in

Hi David.

In the demo here it shows read more to expand on the description, can i ask how to do this please.


Looking here how can i implement that into my site the same.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-01-18 12:51

Hi Paul,

To implement [Read more...] edit html/product.php and look for the following code at line 44 (16/10A) / 58 (18/06A)...

      <p><?php print $product_main["description"]; ?></p>

...and REPLACE with:

        $shortDescription = tapestry_substr($product_main["description"],700);
        $shortDescriptionLen = strlen($shortDescription);
        print $shortDescription;
        if ($shortDescriptionLen < strlen($product_main["description"]))
          $hiddenDescription = substr($product_main["description"],$shortDescriptionLen);
          print " <span id='pt_rm' onClick='JavaScript:$(\"#pt_rm\").hide();$(\"#pt_hd\").show();'>[<a>".translate("Read more")."...</a>]</span>";
          print " <span id='pt_hd' style='display:none;'>".$hiddenDescription."</span>";

The Merchant A-Z will automatically display merchant logos once they are present in your /logos/ folder - I know from our email dialogue that you are still waiting to set this up with the fetching script - once that's been run successfully the logos should appear on this page...


Submitted by gahanpip on Wed, 2018-08-29 10:40

Thank you