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Custom attributes for products

Submitted by apoc on Tue, 2016-01-12 17:37 in

Hi, I can't see this being a unique question but I can't seem to find anything in the forums.

I have the script installed, and as stock it does exactly what it's supposed to do. However, the feeds that I'm looking to import have several custom attributes that I'm looking to parse.
I have included all of the variables in the config_fieldset() object and they appear as drop-down fields on step_2 of the import process; but when I try and map them using the register function, it trips over as it is trying to add them to the table 'pt_fields'. I assumed that the columns would need to be present in the pt_products table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Submitted by support on Tue, 2016-01-12 17:50

Hello Mark,

It sounds like it's just that the required dbmod.php script for each new field has not yet been created / run, as this is required to add the new fields to the pt_feeds (field_newfield) and pt_products (newfield) tables.

The process is documented in this thread. That should be all it is, if still having problems at Feed Registration Step 2 after adding the new database fields let me know and I'll check it out further with you...


Submitted by apoc on Tue, 2016-01-12 19:53

Brilliant. Thanks, David. That's done the trick