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Using export/google_xml.php and .txt feeds

Submitted by sociallyfamous on Thu, 2015-04-02 07:50 in

Hi David.

Hope all is good. After a short break there is a wave of question that is arising as I integrate more and more feeds into the system. I hope you can help.

Here is the first issue.

I am getting a lot of .txt and export/google_xml.php type of feeds

I do not seem to be able to parse these.

Do you have any experience in how to treat these feeds?

Kind Regards

Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-04-02 09:06


If an XML format doesn't appear to auto-detect correctly, it's most likely down to child elements of each product record confusing the auto-detection logic. An example is where product records contain a number of features, so the auto-detection picks out:


In this example, editing the auto-detected format string down to:


...on Feed Registration (Step 1) would do the trick.

The most likely reason for text format auto-detection failure is quoted text being missed. If the sample data shown on Feed Registration Step 2 doesn't appear to be correct, or the values contain leading or trailing quotation marks, click Back and then manually select the correct format from the drop-down box, e.g. "Quoted Text - Header Row - Comma Separated".

If you're ever not sure of a format or are not able to get a feed to register, if you could email me either a link to an example, or if not too large attached / zipped and I'll check it out on my test server for you...


Submitted by sociallyfamous on Thu, 2015-04-02 15:19

Thanks David. I have sent you 1 feed that is driving me crazy...