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First time for this error

Submitted by dflsports on Mon, 2011-02-14 18:04 in

Just was sent an email from my host about my database being disabled.

Database disabled: mydatabase

Action: database disabled
Reason: server overload
Additional info:

part of mysql processes list

| 323555 | mydatabase | localhost | omydatabase | Query | 1365 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT * , MIN( price ) AS minPrice, MAX( price ) AS maxPrice, COUNT( id ) AS numMerchants, MATCH na |

was just one line of about 19 or so pasted in the email.

Any idea what could cause this problem. I have about 350,000 products in the database and run some cron jobs daily to update feeds (not all feeds, they are staggered throughout the week).

Submitted by support on Mon, 2011-02-14 18:12


Are you using the random featured products modification? With such a large products table that could certainly cause the temporary table warning from your hosting as ordering by RAND() is only really recommend for niche sites,

An alternative is to select a random merchant, followed by random products from that merchant which is described in the random Featured Products mod in this thread.

If that's not the case drop me an email and let me know the URL of the installation and I can take a look at the various queries taking place and observe the performance to determine which one is having to temp out and we'll take it from there...
