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Product Filters

Submitted by mikecdprice on Fri, 2011-02-11 21:26 in

When I add a product filter to drop. I noticed that it will add it, it will process it. Although, It will not list the name of the keyword of the filter in the list. So all the items look the same and you have to open each one to see the filter instruction there.

is there a way to add this?

Thank you

Submitted by support on Sat, 2011-02-12 10:00

Hi Mike,

I understand - there is a nice modification to show the filter data on the main filters page for a feed. In admin/feeds_filters.php, look for the following code at line 80:

    print "<th>Field</th>";

...and REPLACE that with:

    print "<th>Field</th>";
    print "<th>Data</th>";

Then look for the following code at line 98:

      print "<td>".$fields[$filter["field"]]."</td>";

...and REPLACE that with:

      print "<td>".$fields[$filter["field"]]."</td>";
      print "<td>".print_r(unserialize($filter["data"]),TRUE)."</td>";

Hope this helps!
