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Submitted by searley on Thu, 2006-02-09 16:26 in

Is there any plan to add categories?

i imagine this could work in a similar way to merchants, where an A - Z is created based on the category names in the category field in the products table

and a search of something like category:televisions

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:21

Thats a great idea an one I was going to ask

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:26

I can see mileage in development of user administered categories; where you import each merchant (and therefore all their products) into a specific category; however because of the poor quality (and numerous different ways of representation) of category information within product feeds it will be almost impossible to create categories automatically.

If those interested in categorisation could work out what sort of features you'd be looking for in this thread I will have a look at creating a secondary distribution with categorisation. It's quite simple to code up; but it becomes a completely different matter to administer; which is why I haven't included it so far...!

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:29


Fair point and I was going to post that info!

What I would like is something where I know that most of the feed is of a certain categories:


CAT= mp3players [AdvancedMP3Players, Mp3players, etc]
CAT= Gadgets [Firebox, iwantiwant, etc]

Whilst I am on this it would be good to also then have:

all products under £99
100 - 199
200 - 299 etc

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:32

Oh one more......

On the page that shows the merchants products ( to the right ) you have the price and the words "compare Prices" - can we make it show how many (if more than 1 price ) they can compare

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:41

(UG) sorry David - you know what I am like!

Any chance of some more detail in the head tags - something from the SEO point of view is better than nothing.

Also a google site map bolt on ;-)

Any chance of splitting everything down in to 2 colums ?

Submitted by searley on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:42

Some feeds from AW have reasonable categories, other have none

so what i figured was, import the category in the feed, you could then create filters to do what you want with the

for example if you want televisons, and one feed has TV you could run a search and replace on TV

again, if you have a feed that has no category, and the deal mostly with MP3 players you could just put a filter of text before of 'MP3 Players'

i think that is a better option than putting everything from 1 feed into a single category

for example Comet where would you put it, kitchen appliances, TV and Audio?? it covers a wide range, and a single category would not cover it, but the AW feed already has a reasonable set of categories applied!!

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:51

It's a fair point and the biggest problem with the feeds (always has been).

Untill intelligent mapping comes out (when someone invents it) or when the mechants start using MPNs we are all stuck

It would be nice where the merchant provides them to work with brand




Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:57

Just an idea:

When the feed is generated it would be *nice* if a set of links were generated (cut and paste) for the Brand

FIELD3 Creative Labs = http://xxxxxxxxxxx

so the search.php?q=merchant:Advanced+MP3Players:

would be


You would need to know which ones were possible - maybe in a brand.php file?

If this is possible it would be good to have a tick box selection to make each brand active as required.

Submitted by searley on Thu, 2006-02-09 17:59

As i say, some feed have it, and i am sure in the future more will if people demand it..

There will always be differances, but the search and replace filters are quite powerful, and only need to be setup once

so i figued import from the feed, modify with filters then just have a page similar to the merchants page that creates a map automatically

obviously there is no reason you would have to use the category page, you could create your own set of hyperlinks for the front page or nav menu..

One problem i have found particularly with electricals is just the model number is used for the product name, so if someone searches television, many wont show as the name does not contain it, at least if i were able to have a nav menu based on category, i could ensure all televisions get shown!

Submitted by Eddie on Thu, 2006-02-09 18:15

[please start a new thread with unrelated feature requests - Thanks!]

Submitted by sji2671 on Fri, 2006-02-10 14:55

I am only going to have 2 feeds, one for indoor funiture and another for outdoor furniture. There I really need the script to use the categories that come in the feed to drill down the products in the right area and make the script useable rather than just relying on a search facility that cannot do the job.

Would it be possible to pay for a modified version of the script so that I can get this done in a shorter timeframe?

Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-02-11 22:06

Ok, I quite like the way this works now i've had a play around with it. The automation scripts also need updating before I can merge this into the current distribution.

Submitted by searley on Sat, 2006-02-11 22:14

Yes i like that

the only thing that i would also like is a filter on the category..

Only because i guess some feeds will have 'televisions' some will have 'television' this would create 2 categories, but with search and replace on one of the feeds would ensure it could be made into 1

Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-02-11 22:21

Well spotted - i've now added the category field to the drop down on the add filter form. The category is taken "post filtering", so you can do exactly as you describe and create a search and replace filter on, for example, "Television" and make it "Televisions" to match other feeds.

Submitted by searley on Sat, 2006-02-11 22:29

Very good, will cover the needs of those who want to put all of a feed into 1 category, or those who want to take it from a feed

I guess something that could be handy is a drop select box with the categorties in.. one for merchants too..

you can currently do searches on:

merchant:product and i guess now cat:product ie: category:Audio Hi Fi:ipod

what might be handy is merchant:category:product

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-02-12 10:17

It would be useful to have the category's already in use to be echoed here so that I know there is a television category in exsistance before I start on feed 2 for example.

Whilst your doing this bit can you also add in another selection for Brand - So that the results can be filtered to create a brand list as well as category list.

Again having the brand echoed as a pre- selection (where used before) would be useful.

Any news on the product cross linking as described above ? Would be very useful to associate products at will (esp with the loose matching at present)

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-02-12 10:23

discussion moved here

Submitted by searley on Sun, 2006-02-12 10:37

discussion moved here

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-02-12 10:59

Just another "quick" idea

Will it then be possible to list (where Availible) the categories under each merchant?

For example B and Q have loads of different categories and I wiould like to list them as "merchant dependant" as well as in their own right. (see menu on left hand side of

B and Q
---- Garden
---- Plants
---- Kitchen

Joe Bloggs Demo Store
---- All Products


If they dont have categories or you didnt want to use them then "all " could be the default setting.

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-02-12 11:19

Eddie - there's nothing stopping you selecting a BRAND field as the category...

Submitted by searley on Sun, 2006-02-12 11:22

discussion moved here

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-02-12 11:24

discussion moved here

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-02-12 11:24

Ok David, but then I would have to run it against the feed improt and filter twice?

Once for the Brand
Once for the Category

You just need to add another box like you have for Category for "Brand" (and maybe one under that called "user defined" - might stop people asking for more sections)

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-02-12 16:18

Any good david ?

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-02-12 16:29

Are there any other common fields against which a separate index would be desirable?

The current indexes are:

category (beta site only)
brand (requested)

..any others?

Submitted by searley on Sun, 2006-02-12 16:47

Not Really.. that certainly covers most of what i could want

What might be nice is some generic 'other' fields that you can import anything into

as some feed have other useful details such as lead time, delivery costs (just a thought)

Similar could go to the merchants table, might want to add a merchant logo, etc

i have been looking around for a merchant 'rating' system that could be integrated..

all sort of things, but how much falls within the scope of what you wanted this script to do?

The things i see as important are
categories (as above)
better search
some means of tieing products together allowing better comparison

the rest i see as 'nice trimmings'