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Search & Replace Problem

Submitted by shakur on Tue, 2006-06-27 13:23 in

Hi @all,

i was trying to setup a Filter with Search&Replace function that replace "Männer" with "Mann".
I think there is a Problem with UTF-8 or something, because that doesnt works.

Would be great if someone can help me :)

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-06-27 14:12

Hi Shakur,

Could be a result of the difference in encoding between the feed Vs the character encoding of the "Search" value as provided by your web browser when submitting the form.

Although this may not be a total solution, in the first instance could you try inserting a "UTF8 Encode" filter on the same field BEFORE the search and replace.

Also make sure that you have set the character encoding of your site in config.php as this should force the browser to submit form values in the same encoding.

Let me know how you get on, and if you're still having problem perhaps you could email me the URL to the feed (in your /feeds/ folder) and i'll download the feed and take a look. You can contact me by reply to your Magic Parser reg code email.
