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Problem with product redirecting and IE/opera

Submitted by barthes on Tue, 2006-06-20 14:05 in

I seem to be having a problem with redirecting clicks from the pricetapestry site here: to the external product site. This only happens when using Opera and Internet Explorer, but it works perfectly in Firefox.

Does anyone have a clue what the reason can be?

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-06-20 15:22


I've just tried your site and the redirect is not working in Firefox on Linux either. I then had a look at the HTTP response headers, and the "Location" response is empty, so something seems to be going wrong in jump.php. However, firstly - can you confirm that it is not a more fundamental problem by disabling redirection - in config.php set:

$config_useTracking = false

If everything works normally the indication is that the following section of code in jump.php is not working:

  $sql = "SELECT merchant,buy_url FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE id=".database_safe($_GET["id"]);
  $product = $rows[0];

In order to see what is happening; could you try adding a print_r() debug call into jump.php as follows:

  $sql = "SELECT merchant,buy_url FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE id=".database_safe($_GET["id"]);
  $product = $rows[0];

This will cause the script to print the contents of the product record, and it would be handy if you could post the output you see with the above modification. The Location header is set with the value of $product["buy_url"].


Submitted by barthes on Wed, 2006-06-21 08:03

Hi David and thanks for the quick response!

I've tried what you suggested above and turned the useTracking off which correctly redirected to the merchant. After inserting the print command I got the following output:

Array ( [merchant] => Bokkilden B [buy_url] => )

The redirect above seems to be working so the problem might be elsewhere?