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mod_rewrite woes

Submitted by wimble on Thu, 2006-06-01 12:22 in

I am having a problem with the URL rewriting mechanism. I have a page,, that develops a problem when the rewrite engine is turned on. If I click on my menu to the left, it works for the first click, but then it adds an extra /product/ to the URL. If I keep clicking on it, it will keep adding an extra /product/ forever. So after a few clicks the URL turns out to be:

Is there a way to configure .htaccess to avoid this problem?

Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-06-03 09:40


This is probably down to one of the places where the base URL of your site must be configured. In config.php, you should have:

$config_baseHREF = "/ason/";

...and in your .htaccess you will need:

RewriteBase /ason/
