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Similar products

Submitted by philstone on Tue, 2006-05-02 21:54 in

Hi Dave

is there a simple way to have an automated similar products include on the product.php page just the way the featured products works on the index page?



ps - love the new network site! A few simple graphics i think would help it reach its potential quickly! - only an idea!

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-05-02 22:20

Hi Phil,

Somebody else was asking after this; and it was not something I'd considered before but, FULLTEXT indexing actually gives an opportunity to do something here.

This is because the SELECT on the FULLTEXT index returns products that don't have all the words, although they are considered "less relevant".

You can see this in action if you visit a product page on your site; and then click "Search" with the full product name still in the search box. The actual product should be the #1 result; but there may be more results.

If you try this experiment across a few products on you site; would you consider results #2,#3 etc. a suitable for display as "Similar Products"? If you think that would work let me know - it should be quite simple to patch this in the product page; reusing the code from the Featured Products HTML module.


Submitted by philstone on Wed, 2006-05-03 08:01

hi Dave

maybe instead of calling it "similar products" would be better calling it "related products" i would be happy with the results returned, like of some products - say a laptop, it has several descriptions, and until i would get filters setup for all the companies i think it would open up the way to possibly more sales , especially when i have no advertising on the site i see it as a way to "internally advertise" and link my site

if you have time to ammend the featured products html, that would be class - but no rush

