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Virtual Private Server

Submitted by ROYW1000 on Mon, 2006-05-01 10:26 in

Hi David

Would you know what I can change on the VPS to get the Wget and unzip commands etc to work.

I do have accrss to the root and php.ini and httpd include.

I dont want to play myself with this but if you know what I can try I would be grateful.

Would a copy of the php info be of any use.



Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-05-02 10:44

Hi Roy,

I'm afraid I don't have any experience of using Virtual Private Server technology, so I don't know what may stopping PHP from executing the wget and unzip programs.

Do your hosting company have a technical support service? They may be able to provide more information as they will understand your configuration.

The way I would contact them, would be to give an example script that does not work on your server, and ask for help making it work. For example, the following code should display wget's version information:

("/usr/bin/wget --version");

The passthru() command executes programs in the same way as exec(), so if you can get help to get this script working; you should be able to exec() to wget and gzip successfully.


Submitted by ROYW1000 on Tue, 2006-05-02 12:09

Hi David

I have spoken to the host and they are not very helpful.

All they have said is they can not advise how to do this but you have control over the php.ini files and .conf files so you will need to work it out yourself what to do. It is our VPS and we dont sell the space. They did warn it could be risky.

Do you have any suggestions on what I could adjust to enable the commands to work na dkeep the system safe.

If you want to see the php info file I can email you a link.

I see others had this issue with VPS servers and played with the base_dir but the final solution does not appear to be posted on the forum. I have searched google for solutions but I cant find out much on it.

Thanks again.
