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Recent Searches

Submitted by PriceSpin on Sun, 2006-03-19 16:45 in

Im wanting to integrate recent searches and have added an extra field to searchform.php so I know the search came from it and have this in search.php

//code before
if ($_GET['a']){
$q $_GET['q'];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `price_searches` (`id`,`term`) VALUES ('','$q')");
//code after

but it isnt adding it to the price_searches table...

Can anyone help me with this?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-03-19 16:50

Is "id" an auto-increment INT field? If so; I think you need to specify NULL as the value (or just leave it out) otherwise the query will fail..

Just a bit of guess. Otherwise, have you tried echoing everything to confirm that what you are expecting to be set is set?

What I normally do to debug SQL is to print the query out then exit to make sure that everything is OK, so your code would be something like this:

//code before
if ($_GET['a']){
$q $_GET['q'];
$sql "INSERT INTO `price_searches` (`id`,`term`) VALUES ('','$q')";
//code after

I always use square brackets when printing out variables during debugging - it lets you see if there is any erroneous white space around the values...

Hope this helps!

Submitted by PriceSpin on Sun, 2006-03-19 17:15

Figured it out...

I was using a standard insert but your database queries look like they connect to the database as needed and it wasnt connected when mine was trying to do the insert.

Cheers David
