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Cannot Find Server Error Half Way Through Upload

Submitted by getgood on Fri, 2006-03-17 13:36 in

Were coming up with a problem when trying to import a large data feed.

After a few minutes of it looking like its getting somewhere, it simply comes up with a cannot find server screen, as though its timed out...I have sent my host an email as other people on this forum were experiencing similar problems and he said hes changed the limit for php but still no joy?

The feed is around 100,000 products, not nearlly as much as im sure some people are uploading.

Is there another way I can try to import this file?


Submitted by getgood on Fri, 2006-03-17 13:40

Just spoke to my host again, this is wat he said...

I believe this is because your browser process the PORT command but your browser experience timeout issue. Thus it's not the server side issue.

Let me know what's the EXTENSION of your DB? Is it .sql? Ask the
developer if I as the sys admin of your site can do Mysql DUMP command from root access to faster the upload process. If they say yes it's possible please let me know.

Im not sure what this means but any suggestions if this makes sense to you would be appreciated.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-17 14:39

Hi Adam,

It is not uncommon for people uploading very large feeds to have PHP timeout issues. Most people are able to resolve the issue by asking their host to enable unlimited execution time for a PHP script. It might be worth you asking your host if this is the case and if they can remove the restriction on your account.

The import script does issue the set_time_limit(0) command, but this cannot override a restriction set by your host. This is intentional, so that no one customer can tie up server resources.

However, it sounds in this case like it is the browser that is timing out rather than the server; and this is the first time I have heard of this happening.

It would first ask your host about the PHP limit, and if that doesn't make any difference let me know what browser version you are using and i'll have a look into it.

Here's another thread on the issue:


Submitted by getgood on Fri, 2006-03-17 15:21

My host says he has changed the php limit which should enable any size import...

Im using internet explorer, not sure which version, but im on xp so I assume its 6.

I was wondering if you could try and run it from your end to see if you run into the same problem.

The feed is BikeBandit.txt

Quoted Text - Header Row - Comma Seperated

Merchant -
Product Name - NAME
Product Description - DESCRIPTION
Price - PRICE

Let me know if you can test this for me

Thank you in advance

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-17 16:51

Yes, I got the same result.

However, I just went to download the feed from your server and stopped it because it appears to be 130MB uncompressed!

Is it possible that you can zip the feed and provide me with a URL to the compressed version (leave it in your feeds directory), then i'll have a go at importing it on my site?

Do you have command line access to your server? A feed of this size would be much better off being imported via the shell. If you can telnet or SSH into your server, try the following at the command prompt ($):

$cd /path/to/price/tapestry/scripts
$php ./import.php CustomBandit.txt

That should display progress as the import takes place...


Submitted by getgood on Fri, 2006-03-17 17:24

I have never used telnet or ssh before, just downloaded Tera Term but have no idea what to do, I put in my host address and connection port and it seems to connect but I cant type anything into the screen it brings up?! Not sure if im even using the correct software.

I have uploaded a .zip version of the file here - - like you said the file size is massive but it cant be opened in excell and cleared of the clutter as it stops at 65,000 products which is all excell can handle.

Im not sure how to solve this really


Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-17 17:39

Hi Adam,

Does your terminal program not even display a login prompt? Make sure you have set it to SSH, as many programs support both Telnet and SSH with Telnet being the default; yet for security reasons many hosts only permit SSH access.

I have no experience of Tera Term, but can recommend Putty as an excellent Windows SSH client:

Another thing to note - it looks like your setting for $config_baseHREF in config.php is wrong - it needs to be "/search/" as you are running Price Tapestry in a sub-directory.

Hope this helps... i'll check over the feed here and make sure it's ok in general.

Submitted by getgood on Sat, 2006-03-18 16:48

I have managed to get SSH access to my server but cant figure out the next steps to take to try and import the BikeBandit.txt file...

I have followed you guidelines but am coming up blank...

Here's what I type and the results I get:

$cd /home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts

It comes up with this:

/home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts: is a directory

Then I type:

$php ./import.php BikeBandit.txt

It comes up with this:

./import.php: No such file or directory

Any ideas on where im going wrong?


Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-03-18 17:54

> $cd /home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts
> It comes up with this:
> /home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts: is a directory

That's strange, because "cd" means "change directory"; so why it is saying "is a directory" I have no idea.

Ok, my only guess is that there are some permission issues on your server that prevent "cd"'ing to a path in which you do not have permission. Can you try the following immediately after logging in:


...and post what you get. The "pwd" command means "print working directory", and the next step will be to derive a "cd" command relative to where you land when you log-in to your server. That is all I can think of, as I have never heard of the "is a directory" response to the "cd" (change directory) command..


Submitted by madstock on Sat, 2006-03-18 18:33

I have managed to replicate the above error - I think what has happened is that instead of typing:

cd /home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts

you typed:

$cd /home/custombi/public_html/search/scripts

- the dollar sign is a command line prompt, and doesn't need to be typed in.


Submitted by getgood on Sat, 2006-03-18 19:21

Thanks for all the help on resolving this,

Duncan you were right - I was using $, this was why it was saying 'is a directory'

All uploaded and working fine now...

Thanks again


Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-03-18 19:23

Good to hear that, Adam.

Duncan - thanks for spotting the SSH problem...!