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Importing CSV Files

Submitted by vmg on Fri, 2006-03-17 07:51 in

Hi David,

I downloaded a CSV data feed.

I am trying to upload it to Price Tapestry...but its just not getting recognised.

Is there any special instructions I need to follow for importing CSV or Text (TAB Seperated) Files?



Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-17 08:24

Hi Kartik,

Can you email me the URL of your website and the name of the feed (then i'll download it from your /feeds directory) and i'll take a look.

Most CSV feeds are recognised OK; there is however 1 affiliate network that provides feeds in semi-colon separated values which requires a format string value of something like "csv|59|1|0". Unfortunately, Magic Parser does not autodetect this format because the test for it is too often confused with comma separated values so the format string has to be provided manually.


Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-17 14:33

Hi Kartik,

I just tried uploading the feed into my server and it was registered OK. I have put it into the demo site (test.csv) so you can see the registration. The format string required is "csv|9|1|0" (tab separated, header row).
(username: demo, password: demo)

How does this compare to what happens on your server?

Submitted by vmg on Wed, 2006-03-22 12:29

Hi David,

Thank you for your help.

I am able to import the file properly now.

Your script is working really well...I am waiting eagerly for the new release!!

With regards
