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Total newbie please help!

Submitted by samvelyano on Fri, 2006-11-17 11:34 in

i'm trying to understand how pricetapestry works, but sorry i'm total newbie and can not understand how to upload an xml affilliate feed into my /feeds directory.
with csv it works fine. i've uploaded the csv file in my /feeds directory, registered and imported the database and it seems to work perfect!
but my problem is, that i can't understand how the script works with xml feeds???
I'm trying to understand how can i upload an xml feed, but sorry I'm too silly :)
can you help me please?
how can i do upload with this feed?



ok i found now how to make this :)

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-11-17 12:17

Hello Sam,

As far as the script is concerned, there is absolutely no difference between a CSV feed and an XML feed - you use them in exactly the same way.

1) Download the feed to your computer

2) Upload using your FTP program into your /feeds/ directory.

In the case of the sample URL that you have included in your post, you could use this as follows:

1) Browse to the feed in your web browser
2) Select "File > Save Document As..." (or similar) and save the feed to your local computer
3) Using your normal FTP program upload the file to your /feeds/ directory
4) Register and import as normal...

Hope this helps!