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Couple of questions on modifications

Submitted by knight01 on Tue, 2006-11-07 00:25 in

I'm getting a site setup and have a couple of questions about how to modify some things.

1. When browsing through the categories in the title bar of the browser it shows:
category:name of category
I like the name of the category being there for SEO purposes, but I really don't like the category: part of it. Is there some place I can eliminate that part of the title?
I want it to display like the title for the products, simply the name of the product.

2. How can I break the categories into 2 (or 3) columns? Currently they list alphabetically, but all in one row going down the page, I'd like to break them into multiple columns for the sake of appearance and ease of use.

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-11-07 08:18


To remove category: etc. from the title, have a look at the following thread - (it's the last block of code in my reply to the original post):

The category list can be made into columns, it just defaults to 1. If you edit html/atoz.php on line 3 you will find:

$columns = 1;

Simply change that variable to the number of columns you want to display.
