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cetegorys from csv file under a wish-category

Submitted by hansi on Mon, 2006-11-06 20:34 in


on "Optional Index Fields:" I can use "Category" or "or use field".
If I use field "ProductCategoyName" it makes his own categorys. This is very nice but it make the categorys on the root. But Can I use his own categorys on a category like computers? I would like to use both options together.

I want that it makes unter "Category" its own subcategorys fom the csv file.
This would be nice.


Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-11-07 08:10

Hello Hani,

Price Tapestry does not support sub-categories i'm afraid - the main reason for this is that most affiliate product feeds do not provide the quality of data required to implement this; and so users would not be satisfied with the results.

What some users do is create multiple installations of Price Tapestry - one for each master category and then have a top level search form that can redirect the query into the appropriate master category. Have a look at the following thread for more information:
