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Grabbing other info

Submitted by robah on Fri, 2006-03-03 01:04 in

Hi, newbie here & newbie with php - quick question ....
Is it possible to pull and show extra info from a product feed
e.g. delivery cahrge or shop logo?

Thanks Rob

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-03-03 20:07

Hi Rob,

There is no way to do this at the moment i'm afraid.

My thoughts on the best way to go about this is to provide an option to select additional fields to be appended to the product description (perhaps with some specified text to preceed the value). This would make it easy to bring in other information from the feed without having to rely on a suitable display mechanism within the product page - because all additional information just becomes part of the description. I'll tag this to the desired feature list...

Submitted by searley on Sat, 2006-03-04 08:04

There maybe another way to do this, that could keep it seperate from the description

You could create 3 or 4 extra fields in the DB called say user1 user2 user3, with the relevant drop boxes in admin etc.. admin can choose what he wants to use the fields for..

then in config.php you could define what the feild names are

user1="Delivery Price"

you could have a small function that combines the 2 eg 'Delivery Price £3.99' so that you can you a place holder where you want the text to show, easier once the 'template' side of it is worked out

at lease doing it in a way similar to this the site owner can choose what he wants to use the 3 or 4 custom fields for, as i am sure no matter what you add, someone will ask for something else,