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Featured products errors homepage.

Submitted by shaunmac on Mon, 2023-04-24 12:37 in

When I add a featured product my home page go to "can not be found" I have tried reinstalling everything but it still is not working. Once I remove the featured product it all works again. I'm not really sure if it has anything to do with it but when using category hierarchy I click on it in the admin area it starts a loop of adding blank categories in a forever loop it keeps going until I exit the page. my site is {link saved}
thank you so much for your help.

Submitted by support on Tue, 2023-04-25 10:44

Hi Shaun,

Is an error message revealed if you enable error reporting by adding the following line to the end of config.advanced.php (just before closing ?> tag)


(don't forget to remove or comment out the line after testing)


Submitted by shaunmac on Tue, 2023-04-25 11:44

I don't see any error message but now when I add a featured product my home page is blank instead of page can not be found. Also its set up on the home page to show featured products featured merchants and featured brands but I do not have any way of adding those in the back end other than products. Also to note is I'm using homepage.php instead of index.html. Would it better to install the original code you have for the featured products in index.php?

Submitted by support on Wed, 2023-04-26 08:05

Hi Shaun,

Yes I would restore the index.php from the distribution that should pull in your theme header / footer as per the other pages. Featured brands and merchants I think were a feature of your theme rather than the core script.
