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859,89 MB / 2 GB (41,99%)

Submitted by Tobix on Sun, 2021-09-26 08:48 in

I noticed that every time I log into the site the resource from scratch goes to 859.89MB / 2GB (41.99%).

How can this load be reduced?

Submitted by support on Sun, 2021-09-26 09:33

Hi Tobix,

Have you optimised your MySQL configuration for a large database; if not have a read through this thread, it is suggest to allocate up to 1/4 of total physical server memory to the buffer sizes, in particular key_buffer_size so if you have 2GB of RAM for example

key_buffer_size = 448M
sort_buffer_size = 64M

Don't forget to restart MySQL after making configuration changes to ensure that they are applied...


Submitted by Tobix on Sun, 2021-09-26 09:39

Where copy this code
key_buffer_size = 448M
sort_buffer_size = 64M

Do you have a guide?

Submitted by support on Sun, 2021-09-26 10:25

Hi Tobix,

The MySQL configuration is normally /etc/mysql/my.cnf - to edit it you would need to have root access to the server; and I would suggest making sure you have a backup first. If you don't have root access you would probably need to ask your hosting to support to make the changes for you.

When editing the file, first search for any existing setting for each and change it if already specified, otherwise if they are not present then add them as new lines at the end.
