How do I do boxed layout mode? So that you have a gray background and white content part?
Hi, David,
unfortunately the background becomes all gray. I want to recreate this effect:
{link saved}
Hi Tobix,
Ah OK - leaving the above in place (so that the non-content areas are grey), first edit html/menu.php and add the following code at the very end:
<div id='pt_main' class='row'><div class='small-12 columns'>
Then edit html/footer.php and add the following code at the very top:
Then back in html/default.css add the following new code:
#pt_main {
background-color: white;
Hope this helps!
Hi Tobix,
No change at all?
Don't forget to do a hard refresh (CTRL+F5 in most browsers) after modifying CSS to ensure that it is reloaded...
Yes ... but nothing. I change the background of the text. I want to change the left and right side background to gray for example.
There was a small mistake that I think has sent everything up in smoke :)
Hello Tobix,
I'm not 100% sure which part (if not all) you wish to style like that but at the top level you could add a background-color and color to the body style definition in html/default.css e.g.
body {
font-size: 12px;
background-color: #666666;
color: white;