Hi David.
Is it possible to add a new column showing the file size of the feed, if available? It would be easier to spot errors or drop products.
Thank you!
Sure - edit admin/automation_tool.php and look for the following code at line 32:
print "</tr>";
...and REPLACE with:
print "<th>".translate("Size")."</th>"; print "</tr>";
And then the following code at line 59:
print "<td class='pta_num'>".(file_exists($$directoryVar.$job["filename"])?filesize($$directoryVar.$job["filename"]):"")."</td>"; print "</tr>";
Cheers, David. -- PriceTapestry.com
Thank you as usual David, it is working as expected
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Sure - edit admin/automation_tool.php and look for the following code at line 32:
print "</tr>";
...and REPLACE with:
print "<th>".translate("Size")."</th>";
print "</tr>";
And then the following code at line 59:
print "</tr>";
...and REPLACE with:
print "<td class='pta_num'>".(file_exists($$directoryVar.$job["filename"])?filesize($$directoryVar.$job["filename"]):"")."</td>";
print "</tr>";