Hey David,
Some of my feed data is obtained from spreadsheets maintained manually in Google sheets.
The google sheets API was working fine in the automation tool for public sheets that do not require authentication, but recently the feed stopped working as Google has added API key as minimum authentication method for public sheets as well.
I have created an API key in google but how do I now use the key in the automation tool and/or cron.php ?
Hi David,
Thx for getting back to me. Much appreciated.
Testfeed public URL: {link saved}
Testfeed download URL: {link saved}
After adding URL in pricetapestry automation tool and validating the downloaded file the content shows:
{code saved}
while it downloaded the .csv OK previously.
In the HTML downloaded after the second redirect, try using the marked up link (the href of the "here" text) directly as the actual URL entered into the Automation Tool - that might be all that is required...
Hi Denis,
Could you let me know an example of the URL that was previously working with the Automation Tool (change google.com to example.com and just example IDs in the URL) and what would also help if there is a specific API documentation page that shows how to authenticate and download the file now that an API key is required i'll check it out for you - it might just require a simple filter script so that the Automation Tool points to a script on your server that makes the request to the sheets API...