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Category naam in product meta description

Submitted by wesse249 on Mon, 2020-03-30 12:59 in

Hello David,

Is it possible to add/place the category of a product in de the metadescription of the product?

Thanks Jan Roel

Submitted by support on Mon, 2020-03-30 13:06

Hello Jan,

Sure - in products.php the meta/description is set at line 70:

  $header["meta"]["description"] = translate("Price search results for")." ".$product["products"][0]["name"];

At this point, the category is in the variable $product["products"][0]["category"] to use as required, for example to prefix the product name with the category use something like:

  $header["meta"]["description"] = translate("Price search results for")." ".$product["products"][0]["category"]." - ".$product["products"][0]["name"];
