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Load More

Submitted by thelegacy on Mon, 2019-12-23 01:55 in

Season's Greetings to you David!

Fast question, on this site {link saved} I'm reworking, in the product section listings I want to add a Load More button at the bottom of each pane to load more products from the category or keyword I'm using to pull these products with.
What is the correct coding for PT to make this happen? Been trying to work it out, and it's eluded me.

Thanks friend,

Submitted by support on Mon, 2019-12-23 09:33


If you'd just like a Load More... button instead of the pagination links have a go with the following as a complete replacement of html/navigation.php

if ($navigation["resultCount"] > $config_resultsPerPage)
$totalPages ceil($navigation["resultCount"] / $config_resultsPerPage);
    if (
$page $totalPages)
$nextPage $page+1;
      if (
$nextHREF $nextPage.".html";
$nextHREF $config_baseHREF."search.php?q=".urlencode($q)."&amp;page=".$nextPage."&amp;sort=".$sort;
"<div class='row'>";
"<div class='small-12 columns'>";
"<a href='".$nextHREF."' class='button'>Load More...</a>";

Hope this helps!
