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Filter rule - Drop Record RegExp older than current date

Submitted by CashNexus on Sat, 2019-01-19 08:18 in

Hello David !
I'm trying to create a Drop Record RegExp filter rule what drops records older than current date.

In datafeed ENDDATE field is like
Today is

So we need to drop such the records...

I suppose RegExp matching current date for format 2019-01-19 is something like

but what next ?
Thank you very much for any hint !

Submitted by support on Sat, 2019-01-19 10:16


It would be easiest to create a standalone filter for this purpose - Drop Record If Expired - to give this a go, add the following to includes/filter.php:

  /* dropRecordIfExpired */
  $filter_names["dropRecordIfExpired"] = "Drop Record If Expired";
  function filter_dropRecordIfExpiredConfigure($filter_data)
    print "<p>There are no additional configuration parameters for this filter.</p>";
  function filter_dropRecordIfExpiredValidate($filter_data)
  function filter_dropRecordIfExpiredExec($filter_data,$text)
    global $filter_dropRecordFlag;
    global $filter_dropRecordIfExpiredTime;
    if (!isset($filter_dropRecordIfExpiredTime))
      $filter_dropRecordIfExpiredTime = time();
    $expired = strtotime($text." 23:59:59");
    $filter_dropRecordFlag = ($expired < $filter_dropRecordIfExpiredTime);
    return $text;

Including the time in this line:

    $expired = strtotime($text." 23:59:59");

...ensures that an ENDDATE of today would be kept - if you wanted to drop ENDDATE values of today then REPLACE this with just:

    $expired = strtotime($text);


Submitted by CashNexus on Tue, 2019-01-22 19:34

David, thanks a lot !
Your solution works !
Like your many other ones :)
Have a nice and prosperous 2019 !