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Reviews and ratings not showing in featured products

Submitted by IG on Sun, 2018-12-02 21:13 in

Hi David,

It seems that I have broken something while making various changes the day before.

1. This product {link saved} has 2 reviews, but they no longer display on the frontpage where I feature this product.

2. This product {link saved} had 1 review, which has completely disappeared.

Do you have any advise what went wrong? For your information, I removed the /product/ slug. It might have something to do with that.

Kind regards,

Submitted by support on Mon, 2018-12-03 09:17

Hello Ivo,

That's strange. Thanks for the follow up information. I see that both products are still as Featured Products, if you could perhaps leave those in place and also email me index.php and html/featured.php I'll check this out further with you and also follow up regarding your other related question...
