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Date first found

Submitted by marco on Tue, 2018-02-06 12:23 in


I would like to display the date a product is added for the first time to the products table.

I have implemented the UPDATE / INSERT modification (5513 / 6255)

And have added a date field to the database.

When I put this code in admin.php (above create dupe_hash value):
$importRecord["addeddate"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

The date is added. But it updates on every import.
Where do I put the code so it only is used at inserts and/or how can it be ignored on updates?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2018-02-06 13:17

Hi Marco,

This should work - when $importRecordSQL is constructed, `addeddate` is set to the value of $importRecord["addeddate"]. So when the SQL is modified for an UPDATE instead of INSERT, `addeddate` can be set to itself...

So after the INSERT/UPDATE modifications you would have the following code around line 531:

       $sql = str_replace($search,$replace,$sql);

...and REPLACE with:

       $sql = str_replace($search,$replace,$sql);
       $sql = str_replace("`addeddate`='".database_safe($importRecord["addeddate"])."'","`addeddate`=`addeddate`",$sql);

Hope this helps!


Submitted by marco on Mon, 2018-02-12 13:06

Its Working, Thanks David.