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Learning Product Mapping RegExp

Submitted by sydney880 on Wed, 2017-11-08 21:41 in


I am trying "Product Mapping RegExp" for the first time and have a question.

For example I am wanting to map products together for the Samsung Galaxy S8 Mobile Phone.

Ideally to do this, I would like to search for products that contain all three words "samsung", "galaxy" & "s8" in the product title as well as being in the price range $400-$800. Having a price range gets rid of accessories for the phone.

Is it possible to include a price range in a regexp?

So far, I have:

Brand: /Samsung/i
RegExp: /(\b(Samsung).+(Galaxy).+(S8)\b)/Ui

Submitted by support on Thu, 2017-11-09 09:51


Sure, a min / max price trigger can be added to Product Mapping by RegExp easily - first create and run the following dbmod.php script to add the new fields;

$sql "ALTER TABLE `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."productsmap_regexp`
            ADD trigger_min_price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
            ADD trigger_max_price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'

Edit admin/productsmap_regexp_configure.php and look for the following code at line 49:

                `trigger_brand` = '".database_safe($_POST["trigger_brand"])."',

...and REPLACE with:

                `trigger_brand` = '".database_safe($_POST["trigger_brand"])."',
                `trigger_min_price` = '".database_safe($_POST["trigger_min_price"])."',
                `trigger_max_price` = '".database_safe($_POST["trigger_max_price"])."',

And then the following code at line 147:

          if ($apply)

...and REPLACE with:

          if (($productmap["trigger_min_price"] > 0) && ($importRecord["price"] < $productmap["trigger_min_price"])) $apply = FALSE;
          if (($productmap["trigger_max_price"] > 0) && ($importRecord["price"] > $productmap["trigger_max_price"])) $apply = FALSE;
          if ($apply)

And then the following code at line 264:


...and REPLACE with:

        widget_textBox("Min Price","trigger_min_price",FALSE,$productmap["trigger_min_price"],"",12);
        widget_textBox("Max Price","trigger_max_price",FALSE,$productmap["trigger_max_price"],"",12);

Edit includes/admin.php and look for the following code at line 323:

$productmap["trigger_max_price"])) $apply = FALSE;
      if ($apply)

...and REPLACE with:

      if (($productmap["trigger_min_price"] > 0) && ($importRecord["price"] < $productmap["trigger_min_price"])) $apply = FALSE;
      if (($productmap["trigger_max_price"] > 0) && ($importRecord["price"] > $productmap["trigger_max_price"])) $apply = FALSE;
      if ($apply)

Hope this helps!


Submitted by sydney880 on Thu, 2017-11-09 10:27

Thanks David for the detailed reply. I was expecting a Yes or No - I forget that you provide such great support.

BTW: It would be amazing if the manual page for "Product Mapping by RegExp" could include more common RegExp examples that people use.