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If Conditons?

Submitted by ItsDavid on Sat, 2017-10-14 15:07 in


Is there an easy way to add (IF) statements such as (If Sale Price Exists) >>>> Import only?

Best Regards

Submitted by support on Mon, 2017-10-16 08:53

Hi David,

You can use a Drop Record RegExp filter to do this. Add a new instance of the filter to your custom sale price field, and on the configuration page use the following:


...which will match an empty value only (the "/" characters are the delimiters of the expression, "^" is beginning of text anchor and "$" is the end of text anchor).

Multiple values can be specified using pipe separation within brackets, so if it were the case with a price field that may either be empty or contain 0.00 and you wish to drop in either case you could use:

