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Product from same merchant with multiple prices

Submitted by nanaz on Wed, 2017-08-02 13:22 in

Hi David,

Hope you are well! I'm working on a magazine/newspaper feed which contains products with different subscriptions/prices (4 weeks, 3 months, 1 year etc.). Is it possible to automatically create 1 productpage per magazine with a list of the different subscriptions, starting with the cheapest?

You already answered a question like this in but I don't know how to implement the code in the latest PT. Hope you can help!

Cheers, Marlies

Submitted by support on Thu, 2017-08-03 07:50

Hello Marlies,

The easiest way to allow multiple results for the same product from a single merchant is to drop the dupe_filter index - see the first comment in this thread for the dbmod script (and how to restore if required...)


Submitted by nanaz on Fri, 2017-08-04 08:58

Thank you David, I missed that node. Works like a charm!