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Edit Product Details

Submitted by Puddy on Tue, 2017-05-02 20:05 in

Is there anyway that you can edit the details of a product and not loose those edits when a feed is updated?

I've added specifications and colour fields, but most feeds don't have these details filled in, so want to enter the details myself.

Thanks in advance

Submitted by support on Wed, 2017-05-03 08:44

Hello Puddy and welcome to the forum!

Having added custom fields `specifications` and `colour`, it's a straight forward mod to add additional override fields to the Product Mapping interface so that you can set specific values for those fields on a per-product basis simply by creating a Product Mapping entry for a product and then entering the details as required. The Alternatives box can be left empty if that functionality of Product Mapping is not required.

The modification is documented for a custom field "keywords" in this thread, simply follow the instructions twice over replacing "keywords" with your custom field names as required - let me know if you're not sure of any of the changes at all..

Hope this helps!


Submitted by Puddy on Wed, 2017-05-03 20:16

Thanks David, that appears to working. A little cumbersome but should work.

Thanks for the help

Submitted by Sven on Thu, 2017-05-25 18:51

Hi David,

I try to create custom descriptions for my producs by creating a product mapping for the product name and putting text into the 'Custom Description' field but the custom description is not show on the product page. It is still the one from the feed.

what am I donig wrong? :-(


Submitted by support on Fri, 2017-05-26 09:52

Hello Sven,

Custom field overrides are applied at import time so after creating a Product Mapping and entering a custom description all feeds containing that product would need to be imported for the changes to take effect - that should be all it is but if still not working as expected let me know and I'll check it out further with you...
