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Auto generate category hierarchy

Submitted by Sven on Mon, 2017-04-03 18:44 in

Hi guys,

I just tried to import my first product file and I am wondering if it is possible for price tapestry to auto generate an category hierachy while reading the product file.
I am importing from {link saved} and their product category name field looks like "Category > SubCat1 > SubCat2 > SubCat3 > ..."


Submitted by support on Tue, 2017-04-04 09:58

Hello Sven and welcome to the forum!

I have been working on various updates to Category Hierarchy Mapping recently (most in terms of support functions to make display / importing from hierarchies exported from other platforms easier) so have most of the code in place to achieve this - please bear with me and I will try this out on my test server over the next couple of days and follow up with something for you to try...


Submitted by Sven on Fri, 2017-04-07 21:04

Hi David,

thank you very much.
I realy love price tapestry and due to your brilliant support it's the best price comparision script I could find.