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Easiest way to map products with positive and negative keywords?

Submitted by sirmanu on Thu, 2016-12-29 10:06 in

Hi David.
First of all, as I didn't reply in node 6172, I hope you are having great holidays. I wish you all the best for 2017. You are the most committed person with a software I have ever met
I am wondering about your opinion for mapping products when keywords appears or not.
For now, I am using this "complex" regex.

For example, if I want to map Epson Office BX525


As this Regex is sometimes quit long, I had to modify field regexp at "pt_productsmap_regexp".
So, do you think there is an easiest way to achieve that?

Thank you for your time.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2016-12-29 11:44


Thank you for your comments!

It's straight forward to add negative keyword support to regular Product Mapping. To try this, edit includes/admin.php and look for the following code at beginning at line 282:

  if ($word)
    if (strpos($importRecord["name"],$word) !== FALSE) $found++;

...and REPLACE with:

  if (substr($word,0,1)=="-")
    if (stripos($importRecord["name"],substr($word,1)) === FALSE) $found++;
  elseif ($word)
    if (stripos($importRecord["name"],$word) !== FALSE) $found++;

Specify negative keywords prefixed with "-". This mod also makes Product Mapping case insensitive by using stripos() instead of strpos()...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by sirmanu on Thu, 2016-12-29 21:55

Excellent! Just as expected. Is any way that I can have "preview" (test) like in regexp?

Submitted by support on Fri, 2016-12-30 14:22


To add Test functionality, edit admin/productsmap_configure.php and look for the following code at line 77:

  print "<h3>".translate("Configure")." (".$productmap["name"].")</h3>";

...and REPLACE with:

  print "<h3>".translate("Configure")." (".$productmap["name"].")</h3>";
  if (isset($_POST["submit"]) && ($_POST["submit"]=="Test"))
    $productmap["alternates"] = $_POST["alternates"];
    $alternates = explode("\n",trim($productmap["alternates"]));
    $wheres = array();
    foreach($alternates as $alternate)
      if (substr($word,0,1)=="-")
        $alternate = substr($alternate,1);
      $wheres[] = " (original_name LIKE '%".database_safe(trim($alternate))."%') ";
    $where = implode(" OR ",$wheres);
    print "<h4>Test Results</h4>";
    $link = mysqli_connect($config_databaseServer,$config_databaseUsername,$config_databasePassword,$config_databaseName);
    $sql = "SELECT merchant,original_name FROM `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` WHERE ".$where;
    $result = mysqli_use_result($link);
    $products = array();
    while($importRecord = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
      foreach($alternates as $alternate)
        $alternate = trim($alternate);
        if (substr($alternate,0,1) == "=")
          if ($importRecord["original_name"] == substr($alternate,1))
            $products[] = $importRecord;
          $found = 0;
          $words = explode(" ",$alternate);
          foreach($words as $word)
            if (substr($word,0,1)=="-")
              if (stripos($importRecord["original_name"],substr($word,1)) === FALSE) $found++;
            elseif ($word)
              if (stripos($importRecord["original_name"],$word) !== FALSE) $found++;
          if ($found == count($words))
            $products[] = $importRecord;
    if (count($products))
      print "<table>";
      print "<tr><th>Stockist</th><th>Catalogue Product Name</th></tr>";
      foreach($products as $product)
        print "<tr><td>".$product["merchant"]."</td><td>".$product["original_name"]."</td></tr>";
      print "</table>";
      print "<p>No Matches</p>";

And then the following code at (now) line 166:


...and REPLACE with:


Hope this helps!


Submitted by sirmanu on Wed, 2017-01-04 16:34

I can confirm, that is an elegant solution (although a bit slow), but it works as expected.
Thank you, David.

Submitted by sirmanu on Thu, 2017-01-12 09:13

Hi again and sorry another question on this topic!
As looking into the whole table is a bit slow.
Could you propose an alternative to TEST via boolean search?

Submitted by support on Thu, 2017-01-12 12:19


I've updated the above to make the initial SELECT with a WHERE clause for each keyword which should speed things up...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by sirmanu on Fri, 2017-02-17 10:09

Hi David. I was thinking about this topic, again.
Is it feasible boolean search (at test mode) to gain speed?
Sorry for insisting, but I have several rows and the test mode is veryyy slow because it has to do a full scan

Submitted by support on Mon, 2017-02-20 09:32


You could use a BOOLEAN MODE full text search for the initial query but you would need to create a new FULLTEXT index against the `original_name` field - which is no problem of course - just consider the impact on database size and import time. To make the index, run the following dbmod.php script, ideally from the command line as may take a little while if the database is large;

$sql "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX original_name_2
            ON `"
.$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` (original_name)";

With that new index in place, in the test modification where you have the following code;

    $wheres = array();
    foreach($alternates as $alternate)
      if (substr($word,0,1)=="-")
        $alternate = substr($alternate,1);
      $wheres[] = " (original_name LIKE '%".database_safe(trim($alternate))."%') ";
    $where = implode(" OR ",$wheres);

...REPLACE with:

    $words = array();
    foreach($alternates as $alternate)
      if (substr($word,0,1)=="-")
        $alternate = substr($alternate,1);
      $words[] = "+".database_safe(trim($alternate));
    $where = "MATCH original_name AGAINST ('".implode(" ",$words)."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";

Hope this helps!
