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duplicate titles for different products

Submitted by NiceGuyEddie on Mon, 2016-04-18 15:28 in

Hi David,

I am trying to import a merchant feed. In the feed they have used the same titles for multiple products. The specifications and product ids are different but they have used the same titles which is causing problems with the import.

Is there a way to overcome this to allow me to import all the products?



Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-04-18 15:44

Hi Paul,

The normal solution in this case it to use Text Before / Text After filters as required in order to combine the product name with other fields from the feed in order to create the required unique values.

You might come across this issue with clothing merchant feeds, where as a very basic example you might have the product name "Jumper", but in another field in the feed is the colour. Combing the product name with the colour field would result in the products being imported individually rather than being dropped due to de-duplication, so a Text Before filter containing:


(without the quotes, but note the SPACE after the placeholder) would combine the product name with the "COLOUR" field in the feed resulting in unique products e.g. "Red Jumper", "Blue Jumper", "Green Jumper". The format of the placeholder values in the text box on the configuration page for a Text Before / Text After filter is %FIELDNAME% where FIELDNAME exactly matches the parsed field name as shown in the sample data on Feed Registration Step 2...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by NiceGuyEddie on Mon, 2016-04-18 15:59

Your solution worked perfectly!

Thanks for the support.