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Automatic price comparing?

Submitted by simonthomsen on Sat, 2015-12-05 17:56 in

How can I automatic make the price compare lists for a product?

Or should I manually create that for each product?

Submitted by support on Sat, 2015-12-05 18:28

Hello Simon, and welcome to the forum!

"out of the box", Price Tapestry compares by an exact match by product name, so if you have 3 different merchants who each have the same product, they will be compared on the /product/Product-Name.html page.

This has the primary advantage of a search engine friendly, single product page URL per product - whether compared or not. If you have merchants that have the same products but do not use identical naming, there are 2 options, or indeed a combination of them.

Primarily, Product Mapping is the mechanism by which you can take control of product names by creating a new Product Mapping entry with the name you wish to use on your site, and then on the configuration page for the mapping you can enter keyword or exact match alternatives to bring together different merchant names for the same product into the name you want to use on your site.

So that is effectively the "manual" option that you mentioned, but taking it a step further, if you have access to feeds that contain common unique identifiers such as EAN (European Article Number) it is possible to add `ean` as a custom field to your site and then use the Automatic Product Mapping by Unique ID scripts which is a post-import script that renames products with the same unique identifier to have the same name...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by bodybuildingcom... on Sat, 2016-09-10 11:05

Hi David,

I am having product mapping issues. I have thousands of products, but with little variation difference in names from erchant to merchant.

Anyway, I have tried mapping some of the products together, but they don't seem to show up in terms of comparing prices on the same page. The two identical products, show up in separate product pages, even though I have mapped them.

An example:

Product Mapping

Configure (Universal Nutrition Animal Stak)

=UNIVERSAL NUTRITION Animal Stak 21 pckts
=Universal Nutrition Animal Stak 21 Packs


As you can see, there is very small difference in the description etc, which is fine, because I have mapped them, I was expecting it to appear on one product page/comparing prices between the different merchants offering the same products.

Could you please tell me what could be the problem?



Submitted by support on Mon, 2016-09-12 06:59

Hi Norbert,

After creating your mappings you would need to re-import as Product Mapping (along with category / brand mapping etc.) is only applied at import time. That should be all it is, but if that has been applied and the products are still not comparing as expected let me know and I'll check it out further with you...
