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problems with fseek and/or ftell on large files

Submitted by gregor on Fri, 2015-10-02 17:36 in

I have a very large feed and my slow import will not stop. When the offset gets to the maximum size for my PHP integer (2147483647), it refreshes with a negative offset and starts over at the beginning of the file.

I captured this in the refresh url when it happens - &offset=-2144482873

After that point it starts at the beginning of the file and continues normally until it reaches the max again.

Have you seen this and do you have a solution? I think I found a solution to the fseek problem but then I realized that the ftell is also a problem when setting the offset in the refresh url.

Thanks for any help,

Submitted by support on Sat, 2015-10-03 10:09

Hello Gregor,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll set up a simulation on my test server and figure out a work-around. fseek() can be handled using a combination of $offset and $whence but ftell() is limited by the platform's MAX_INT so that will need to be tracked in a different way.

Please could you drop me an email and as soon as I've worked out the patch I'll forward the modified code for you to try...
