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Missing field(s) in first product

Submitted by IG on Tue, 2015-07-14 13:07 in

Hi David

I am trying to register a feed, but the first product does have neither a description nor a description field. There are many products in the feed with a description and of course a description field, but as I am not able to register this field, it is impossible to import these descriptions. What do you recommend in such a case?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2015-07-14 13:12


Please could you email me admin/feeds_register_step2.php from your installation and I'll modify it so that the full feed is scanned in order to pick up all unique fields instead of just those present in the first record...


Submitted by KennethJ on Sat, 2015-07-25 16:29

Hi Dave,

I think I have the same problem. I'm using a bunch of feeds from the same provider, all build with the same xml structure in the feed. Some of the feeds works without problems but others don't. No fields recognized when scanning some of the feeds, even though it's the same structure in all feeds.

Can you help me out in some way?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2015-07-26 08:54

Hello Ken,

If it is the case that Feed Registration Step 2 does not show any of the expected fields, but is the same format as other feeds from the same network that are working fine, it is sometimes the case that repeating meta data (e.g. features etc.) in each product record is fooling the auto-detection logic. To check if this is the case, go to Feed Registration Step 1 for one of the working feeds of the same XML structure and COPY from the Auto-detected format string box the format detected for that feed.

Then, click Register alongside an example of the same format that is not working, and on Feed Registration Step 1 replace the auto-detected format string with the working version copied from the previous step.

That should be all it is - for XML feeds the second part of the format string after xml| is the Xpath to the repeating product records, and would normally be something like:


...but when repeating meta data creates more child elements of each product record than there are products you may see something like this;

xml|PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/FEATURES/FEATURE/ which case editing down to just xml|PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/ would be all you need to do.

If this isn't the case, let me know and I'll forward the version that scans the entire feed for the combined unique field set for you...

Hope this helps!
