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Show categories associated with a feed

Submitted by LeadFoot on Fri, 2015-07-10 17:22 in

I've added a number of feeds to PT, and have imported some. I'd like to filter out some advertiser categories from being imported.

I go to the feed I *think* they are coming from and add a drop DropRecRegex for the category. The problem categories are still imported. My best guess is that I'm manipulating the wrong feed.

How can I tell what feed these advertiser categories are coming from so that I can filter them out.

FYI - I have category hierarchy turned on.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2015-07-10 17:34

Hello LeadFoot,

With Category Hierarchy enabled the front end only shows categories from the hierarchy, but from /admin/ > Tools > Feed Utilities you can use Imported Analysis to study the feed categories for any feed. From the Imported Analysis page, click the "Category" heading and that will list all feed categories associated with that feed.

Hope this helps!
