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Joker field

Submitted by IG on Wed, 2015-04-01 07:38 in

Hi David

I would like to pick your brain again ;-)

Some of my feeds contain the same product in two different languages (let's say Italian and French). I would like to drop all French products and luckily these feeds normally contain a field (can be "Language", can be "Advertiserproducturl" with a language slug), which allows to recognize the language used. However, the field name keeps on changing, which makes it not so straight forward.

I was thinking to create an additional field with the sole purpose of dropping all French products. Depending on the feed I will register the feed field to this newly created optional import field and set a filter to drop these records. Is this a good solution or do you have a better one?

Kind regards,

Submitted by support on Wed, 2015-04-01 07:45

Hello Ivo,

That's a perfect solution, and then once registered a Drop Record (or Drop Record If Not depending on sense you want to use) against the Language field to only import the product you want will do the trick.
